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Network Slicing and Softwarization: A Survey on Principles, Enabling Technologies, and Solutions

The diverse use cases and network requirements of network slicing, the pre-slicing era, considering RAN sharing as well as the end-to-end orchestration and management, encompassing the radio access, transport network and the core network are outlined.
Network slicing has been identified as the backbone of the rapidly evolving 5G technology. However, as its consolidation and standardization progress, there are no literatures that comprehensively discuss its key principles, enablers, and research challenges. This paper elaborates network slicing from an end-to-end perspective detailing its historical heritage, principal concepts, enabling technologies and solutions as well as the current standardization efforts. In particular, it overviews the diverse use cases and network requirements of network slicing, the pre-slicing era, considering RAN sharing as well as the end-to-end orchestration and management, encompassing the radio access, transport network and the core network. This paper also provides details of specific slicing solutions for each part of the 5G system. Finally, this paper identifies a number of open research challenges and provides recommendations toward potential solutions.

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Afolabi, Ibrahim; Taleb, Tarik; Samdanis, Konstantinos; Ksentini, Adlen; Flinck, Hannu
Network Slicing & Softwarization
Published in:
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
Published: 01/01/2018
Document Version
Peer reviewed version
Please cite the original version:
Afolabi, I., Taleb, T., Samdanis, K., Ksentini, A., & Flinck, H. (2018). Network Slicing & Softwarization: A Survey
on Principles, Enabling Technologies & Solutions. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 20(3), 2429 -

Copyright (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at
Network Slicing & Softwarization: A Survey
Principles, Enabling Technologies & Solutions
Ibrahim Afolabi, Tarik Taleb, Konstantinos Samdanis, Adlen Ksentini, and Hannu Flinck
Abstract—Network slicing has been identified as the backbone
of the rapidly evolving 5G technology. However, as its consolida-
tion and standardization progress, there are no literatures that
comprehensively discuss its key principles, enablers and research
challenges. This paper elaborates network slicing from an end-
to-end perspective detailing its historical heritage, principal
concepts, enabling technologies and solutions as well as the
current standardization efforts. In particular, it overviews the
diverse use cases and network requirements of network slicing,
the pre-slicing era, considering RAN sharing as well as the end-
to-end orchestration and management, encompassing the radio
access, transport network and the core network. This paper
also provides details of specific slicing solutions for each part
of the 5G system. Finally, this paper identifies a number of
open research challenges and provides recommendations towards
potential solutions.
Index Terms—Network Slice, 5G, Network Softwarization,
Orchestration, Network Management, NFV, SDN, Cloud, Mobile
Network, MANO and Open Source.
The emerging 5G mobile system is expected to build on
the success of the current 4G technology offering support
for a plethora of network services with diverse performance
requirements. 5G era is touted as the generation of mobile
networks that will support dedicated use-cases and provide
specific types of services to satisfy simultaneously various
customer demands. Unlike the “one-fit-all” type of the 4G
architecture, 5G is anticipated to consider diverse business
demands with often conflicting requirements encouraging
service innovation and programmability through the use of
open sources and open interfaces that allow access to third
parties. By allowing different parties to instantiate and run a
software-based architecture, 5G becomes inherently a multi-
tenant ecosystem, whereby a tenant refers to a user or group of
users with specific access rights and privileges over a shared
resource. Hence, 5G networks offer multi-tenancy support and
service-tailored connectivity, providing a top-notch Quality
of Service (QoS) which will ultimately result in a long
lasting Quality of Experience (QoE) with a truly differentiated
service provisioning on top of a shared underlying network
5G networks are also expected to create new service ca-
pabilities relying on recent advancements in the Internet of
Things (IoT) area. In particular, analysts forecast that by 2025
Ibrahim Afolabi is with Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. Tarik
Taleb is also with Aalto University, Espoo, Finland and Sejong Uni-
versity, Seoul, Korea. Konstantinos Samdanis is with Huawei European
Research Center, Munich, Germany. Adlen Ksentini is with Eurecom,
Nice, France. Hannu Flinck is with Nokia Bell Labs, Espoo, Finland.
the number of IoT devices could grow to a stunning figure of
about 100 billion devices [1], supporting a wide range of ser-
vices spanning from low-cost sensor-based metering services
and delay-tolerant vehicle services to critical communications
including e-health, e-business and automotive. For mobile
operators, IoT does not mean only support for many more
devices and massive connectivity, but also defines a promising
opportunity for offering novel services and business solutions
within the IoT value chain beyond simple connectivity. To
this end, 5G enables open interfaces to support vertical seg-
ments, i.e. third parties not owning network infrastructure and
requiring networking services with specific needs, as well as
new business solutions, e.g., AT&T digital life customized to
the needs of users. The automotive industry defines one of
the most significant 5G vertical segments. It requires efficient
networking capabilities combined with IoT and edge-cloud to
facilitate a number of services including autonomous driving,
bird eye view, and real-time assessment of road conditions,
just to mention a few.
5G should leverage the benefits of network virtualization
to accommodate flexibility in providing carrier-grade differ-
entiated mobile network services and ubiquitous coverage,
unifying heterogeneous radio and networking technologies
supporting the existing 3G (3rd Generation), LTE (Long
Time Evolution) and Wi-Fi technologies, and efficiently inter-
working them with the emerging 5G new radio and fixed
access networks. The notion of network virtualization concen-
trates on the concept of a software-based representation of both
the hardware and software resources considering both data
and/or control-plane functions. It is the main foundation of (i)
network softwarization and (ii) network slicing. Network soft-
is the concept of designing, architecting, deploy-
ing and managing network components, primarily based on
software programmability properties [2]. It enables flexibility,
adaptability, and even total reconfiguration of a network on the
fly based on timely requirements and behaviors by considering
cost and process optimization in the overall maintenance of
the network lifecycle. Network slicing on the other hand
seeks to assure service customization, isolation and multi-
tenancy support on a common physical network infrastructure
by enabling logical as well as physical separation of network
Softwarization is expected to impact several aspects of net-
work development and services such as Content Delivery Net-
works (CDN) or video accelerators [3] [4]. It has shown huge
potential in revolutionizing the deployment and operations of
mobile networks, by simply untying network functions from
Softwarization encompasses orchestration.

proprietary hardware and enabling them to run on commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware computers or data-centers. This
possibility makes it doable to deploy software programs as
feature updates/upgrades to the necessary network parts to
enable newer network functions or simply fixing bugs in
existing ones. The feasibility to plug newer functions into the
network through programmable interfaces makes the network
more flexible, scalable, elastic and perhaps reactive through
the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence [5].
Network slicing has been recently gaining momentum
among an ever-growing community of researchers from both
academia and industry. It has been also the focus of different
standardization bodies (e.g., 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership
Project), IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
Standardization Sector)). This concept can be traced back to
the idea of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing
model, whereby different tenants share computing, networking
and storage resources, in order to create different isolated
fully-functional virtual networks on a common infrastructure.
In the context of 5G and beyond, a network slice is a unifica-
tion of virtual resources (e.g., VMs) wherein a set of Virtual
Network Functions (VNF) are instantiated and connected via
a virtual network, e.g., Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
and Virtual Private Network (VPN). The possibility to create,
on demand and in a programmable fashion, cost-efficient end-
to-end network slices and dedicate them for the dynamic
provisioning of diverse services is seen as an important feature
of 5G. In this vein, efforts are ongoing towards developing
a 5G mobile system capable of deploying network slices of
varying sizes and structures.
To the best knowledge of the authors, there are no detailed
surveys on the topic of network slicing in the literature, except
those presented in [6], [7], [9]. In [6], the authors presented
a brief analysis of the state of the art of network slicing in
5G using a framework to evaluate the maturity state of the
identified projects and their relevance towards the 5G network
evolution. Likewise, in [7], the authors describe how wireless
network resources can be adequately allocated to network
slices without the resources of one slice negatively impacting
the quality of others and with a focus on the Radio Access Net-
work (RAN). In [9], the authors study the notion of network
slicing in 5G following an architecture model that consists
of the infrastructure layer, network function layer and service
layer providing an overview and the corresponding challenges.
In [8], the authors focus on how Multi-access Edge Computing
(MEC) is advantageous to the RAN, especially with respect to
latency, its enabling technologies, and orchestration options.
Other relevant articles in light of network slicing and its
enablers such as Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and
Software Defined Networking (SDN) are also presented in
[10], [11], [85] and [12]–[14], respectively.
In comparison to these surveys, the contributions of this
paper are manifold. First, this paper presents an extensive
and exhaustive review of the principal concepts and enabling
technologies for facilitating end-to-end network slicing encom-
passing all aspects of the 5G and networking technologies
from the access and core networks, to the transport networks
in a holistic manner. It also overviews the key business drivers
and major ongoing research projects in line with the automa-
tion and orchestration of end-to-end network slices as well
as its lifecycle management. This survey also delves into the
roots of network slicing as well as its emerging technologies
detailing their various impacts in the architectural evolution
of 5G networks with particular focus on slice orchestration
and management. Finally, we identify and discuss a number
of open research challenges relevant to security [15] as well
as network slice resource allocation.
The rest of this paper is organized in the following fashion.
Section II presents the 5G service and business requirements,
focusing mainly on 5G service requirements and business
drivers for emerging markets as enumerated by IMT-2020
(International Mobile Telecommunication system - beyond
2020) and the European Commission (EC) 5G Infrastructure
Public Private Partnership (5GPPP). Section III provides an
overview of the network slicing concept and presents its
main use cases with a glimpse into pre-5G network slicing.
Section IV provides an overview of 3GPP network sharing,
highlighting how it started, discussing its relevance to network
slicing, and presenting its variants. As enablers of network
slicing, different virtualization technologies are detailed in
Section V. Section VI describes network slice orchestration
and management, with particular focus on network slice or-
chestration architecture, broker, capacity provisioning policy,
lifecycle management and explains how network slices can
be federated across multiple administrative domains. Section
VII analyzes RAN slicing, explaining the RAN slicing re-
quirements, slice resource management and isolation, RAN
programmability, and RAN functional split as well as the
fronthaul/backhaul slice transport options. Section VIII sheds
light on core network slicing, discussing separately the slicing
principles of the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and the new
5G core network. Section IX elaborates pending research
problems and challenges relevant to network slicing. The paper
concludes in Section X.
A. 5G Service Requirements
5G networks are anticipated to revolutionize the user experi-
ence introducing new requirements to shape network platforms
for launching new innovative services. These services have
diverse requirements, involving higher data traffic volumes
and potential number of devices. The initial roll out of 5G
is expected by 2020 in order to meet the emerging business
and consumer demands. The IMT-2020 vision assists the
development of various industry sectors [16], introducing the
following targets for research and innovation:
low latency, i.e. 1ms over-the-air, and high reliability,
user density with area traffic capacity of 10 Mbps/m
peak data rate of 10 Gbps with particular scenarios
supporting up to 20 Gbps,
service continuity under high mobility with 500km/h,
connection density with 10
devices per km
100 Mbps user experienced data rates for wide area
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at
Copyright (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing

three times higher spectral efficiency (i.e., in comparison
to 4G),
100 times more energy-efficient networking, and
energy lifetime for sensors to be greater than 10 years.
5GPPP [17] that encourages research towards 5G, brought
light into the requirements of 5G through the flagship project
METIS introducing the following target network capabilities
Amazingly fast: A feature that shall enable instantaneous
network connectivity for all applications by providing
10Gbps data rates.
Great service in a crowd: A feature that shall enable
a broadband experience, regardless of the user density,
assuring a traffic volume of 9 Gbytes/h and a data rate
up to 20 Mbps per user.
Best experience follows you: A feature that allows a fixed
line network experience for users on the move, with at
least 100 Mbps in the downlink and 20 Mbps in the
Super real-time and reliable connection: A feature that
aims at supporting mission-critical machine type commu-
nications, ensuring 99.999% reliability and less than 5ms
end-to-end latency.
Ubiquitous things communicating: A feature that aims at
providing wireless connectivity for sensors and actuators,
supporting 300,000 devices per cell, while prolonging the
battery lifetime of devices in the order of a decade.
These main service requirements are encouraging rapid
time-to-market for launching new services (e.g., deployment
time shorter than 90 minutes) and at reducing network man-
agement Operational Expenditures (OPEX) by 80%. IMT-2020
and 5GPPP have identified the need for enhanced security and
privacy, without explicitly quantifying them.
B. Business Drivers & Emerging Markets
5G is expected to facilitate a business ecosystem, enabling
innovative services and networking capabilities not only for
consumers, but also for new industry stakeholders. Hence,
5G needs to adopt new partnerships and business models for
different types of customers, being the key asset for enabling
vertical industries and contributing to the fourth industrial rev-
olution impacting multiple sectors [19]. Verticals can facilitate
the development of new products and services, while network
operators can create partnerships to accelerate network service
roll-outs or to create customized services to vertical industries.
The business roles that the 5G architecture would facilitate
through virtualization and slicing are the following:
Infrastructure providers: offer the physical network in-
frastructure and are responsible for upgrades and main-
tenance. Currently, network operators take the role of
the infrastructure providers. However, in the emerging
5G, third players can provide networking hardware and
connectivity in private or community indoor areas, e.g.,
in a stadium or shopping mall.
Cloud providers: facilitate third parties with computa-
tion and storage resources and potential cloud services,
e.g., platform-as-a-service such as Linux’s Openstack,
Amazon web service’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
Google’s Kubernetes, and Microsoft’s Azure.
Virtual network operators: lease resources from an infras-
tructure provider to either complement their own capacity
and/or coverage (e.g., Lycabmobile, Lebara, and Virgin
Mobile), or gain network coverage in case they lack
physical infrastructure. Such leased resources can help
against complex and lengthy processes for site acquisition
in urban areas as well as to enhance network coverage
with low risk in remote areas.
Service broker: interacts with the physical network, col-
lects abstracted resource information and acts as a medi-
ator mapping the service requests originated from virtual
network operators, application providers and verticals, to
the mobile network operator’s resources. A service broker
can be a component of the infrastructure provider, mobile
network operator or an independent third party.
Application providers: offer, with best-effort perfor-
mance, services operating on top of a network belonging
to an operator. 5G applications with a high data con-
sumption may push application providers (e.g., Netflix
and Hulu), to buy network resources from operators, in
order to encourage end-users to consume their services
without being charged per data volume usage. In addition,
application with stringent requirements may pre-define a
Service Level Agreements (SLA) set of requirements with
operators to ensure a satisfying user experience.
Verticals: offer a variety of services to a non-telecom
specific industry, exploiting network and cloud resources
from network operators and cloud providers. Most of
the new growth is anticipated in taking place through
digitalization of the vertical industries such as factories,
transportation and health care.
Partnerships between different business players can be
established over networking and cloud resources, network
capabilities exposure, value-added services and network con-
text information as well as on providing 5G services as a
programmable and software oriented capability set. Network
slicing is a key technology and business enabler for 5G,
facilitating multi-tenancy and enhanced network coverage for
third parties in a flexible way, assuring an extra revenue means
for operators, infrastructure and cloud providers. Network
slices can be established on a permanent basis or on-demand,
either opportunistically or periodically, with network and cloud
resources belonging to a single or multiple operators or to a
mix of different business players.
A. Early pre-5G Network Slicing
Network slicing rely on virtualization concepts, which have
been around as far back as the 1960s [20] [21] when the
first operating system (CP-40) was developed by IBM [22].
The design of the CP-40 on IBM system 360/40 supported
time-sharing and virtual memory, introducing a breakthrough
in computing by accommodating up to fifteen users simulta-
neously [23] with the illusion of working individually on a
complete set of hardware and software [20] [23]. The idea of
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at
Copyright (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing

virtualization, i.e. creating a virtual form of a physical entity
through software methods and processes, formed the vision of
virtual systems spanning across computing platforms, network
resources, and storage devices [22]. Virtualization was widely
adopted for data centers in the 70s and by the early 80s, it was
applied into networking, for connecting remote sites securely
with controlled performance through the Internet.
The introduction of overlay networks in the late 80s that
consist of nodes connected over logical links forming a virtual
network over a network composed of physical infrastructure
can be seen as an early form of network slicing, com-
bining heterogeneous resources over various administrative
domains. Overlay networks provide QoS guarantees in a
service-oriented fashion. They are flexible in nature but not
automated nor programmable. By 2000, the first-generation
platforms for verifying and evaluating new network protocols
were established based on overlay networks. PlanetLab [24]
[25] adopted a common software package called MyPLC
enabling distributed virtualization by allowing users to obtain
isolated application specific slices. A slice was defined as a
unit component with allocated resources such as computing
power/storage on servers or resources existing in namespaces.
However, such overlay platforms had limitations in underlay
network controls.
In 2008, the GENI project, a US National Science Foun-
dation (NSF) [26] initiative, pushed forward the development
of a testbed based on network virtualization technologies for
promoting research on a clean slate network, while considering
federated resources and mobile network environments [27].
GENI offers instrumentation and measurement tools used for
carrying out both active and passive measurements and for
visualizing and analyzing measurement results [28]. By 2009,
Software Defined Network (SDN) technologies enabled re-
searchers to run their experiments in a slice of existing campus
networks allowing programmability via open interfaces [29].
B. The 5G Network Slice Concept & Principles
Network slicing in the context of 5G is a new defined
concept introduced by NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Net-
work) in [30]. Network slicing facilitates multiple logical
self-contained networks on top of a common physical in-
frastructure platform enabling a flexible stakeholder ecosys-
tem that allows technical and business innovation integrating
physical and/or logical network and cloud resources into a
programmable, open software-oriented multi-tenant network
environment. 3GPP defines network slicing as a technology
that “enables the operator to create networks, customized to
provide optimized solutions for different market scenarios
which demand diverse requirements, e.g. in terms of func-
tionality, performance and isolation [31]. For ITU-T, network
slicing is perceived as Logical Isolated Network Partitions
(LINP) composed of multiple virtual resources, isolated and
equipped with a programmable control and data plane [32].
Network slicing enables value creation for vertical seg-
ments, application providers and third parties that lack physical
network infrastructure, by offering radio, networking and
cloud resources, allowing a customized network operation and
true service differentiation. The VNFs, which constitute a
network slice, may vary drastically depending on the service
requirements of that particular slice. The type of service
associated with a network slice would determine the resources
and service treatment the network slice would receive, e.g.
a real-time communication network slice would receive the
appropriate resources and service treatment to meet ultra low
latency demands [33]. Network slicing builds on top of the
following seven main principles that shape the concept and
related operations:
Automation: enables an on-demand configuration of net-
work slicing without the need of fixed contractual agree-
ments and manual intervention. Such convenient opera-
tion relies on signaling-based mechanisms, which allow
third parties to place a slice creation request indicating
besides the conventional SLA which would reflect the
desired capacity, latency, jitter, etc., timing information
considering the starting and ending time, and duration or
periodicity of a network slice.
Isolation: is a fundamental property of network slic-
ing that assures performance guarantees and security
(to defend network openness to third parties) for each
tenant even when different tenants use network slices
for services with conflicting performance requirements.
However, isolation may come at the cost of reducing
multiplexing gain, depending on the means of resource
separation for explicit use, which may result in inefficient
network resource utilization. The notion of isolation
involves not only the data plane but also the control
plane, while its implementation defines the degree of
resource separation. Isolation can be deployed (i) by using
a different physical resource, (ii) when separating via
virtualization means a shared resource and (iii) through
sharing a resource with the guidance of a respective
policy that defines the access rights for each tenant.
Customization: assures that the resources allocated to a
particular tenant are efficiently utilized in order to meet
best the respective service requirements. Slice customiza-
tion can be realized (i) in a network wide level consider-
ing the abstracted topology and the separation of data and
control plane, (ii) on the data plane with service-tailored
network functions and data forwarding mechanism, (iii)
on the control plane introducing programmable policies,
operations and protocols and (iv) through value-added
services such as big data and context awareness.
Elasticity: is an essential operation related with the re-
source allocated to a particular network slice, in order
to assure the desired SLA under varying (i) radio and
network conditions, (ii) amount of serving users, or (iii)
geographical serving area because of user mobility. Such
resource elasticity can be realized by reshaping the use of
the allocated resources by scaling up/down or relocating
VNFs and value-added services, or by adjusting the
applied policy and re-programing the functionality of
certain data and control plane elements. Elasticity can
also take the form of altering the amount of initially
allocated resources by modifying physical and virtual
This is the author's version of an article that has been published in this journal. Changes were made to this version by the publisher prior to publication.
The final version of record is available at
Copyright (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing

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Q1. What have the authors contributed in "Network slicing & softwarization: a survey on principles, enabling technologies & solutions" ?

This paper elaborates network slicing from an endto-end perspective detailing its historical heritage, principal concepts, enabling technologies and solutions as well as the current standardization efforts. This paper also provides details of specific slicing solutions for each part of the 5G system. Finally, this paper identifies a number of open research challenges and provides recommendations towards potential solutions. 

the need for more flexibility and elasticity has led to the consideration of SDN and NFV as the key enablers for more dynamic EPC networks, paving the way to a network of capabilities. 

The catalyst for enabling such scalable multi-service mobile backhaul is Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) that supported the progressive adoption of different transport layer technologies unifying 2G Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) transport, 3G Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Frame Relay as well as 4G Ethernet and IP [148] [149]. 

Virtualization was widely adopted for data centers in the 70s and by the early 80s, it was applied into networking, for connecting remote sites securely with controlled performance through the Internet. 

UE slicing considers the smart devices as a commodity hardware platform having a pre-installed middleware (similar to a hypervisor on general-purpose servers or PCs), which can accommodate, manage and schedule resources between multiple mobile OS entities. 

Such leased resources can help against complex and lengthy processes for site acquisition in urban areas as well as to enhance network coverage with low risk in remote areas. 

Although network slicing is currently undergoing a standardization phase, there are still numerous open research problems and implementation challenges to be addressed. 

The service-oriented NG core architecture could be easily deployed in a software-based/virtualized environment (e.g. VM or container), wherein libraries of functions may be requested from a VNF catalog and composed into end-toend service chains on demand. 

The network slice orchestration architecture consists of:• End-to-end service management and orchestrator: receives network slice requests from verticals and third parties, and creates a slice by performing slice brokering, admission control, policy provisioning and service mapping, considering the desired SLA, customization and slice template. 

This flexible functional split can highly impact the performance of network slicing and the optimal split largely depends on the characteristics of the target service. 

the notion of core network slicing is centered around the possibility to deploy multiple instances of virtual EPC (vEPC) running in parallel in order for each to fulfill different service demands, e.g. a delay-sensitive service may require a distributed vEPC closer to the end user. 

Initial efforts to address such requirements considered: (i) small cell enhancements for the mobile backhaul focusing on scalable connectivity and various coordination types with the macro, i.e. tight or loose [151], and (ii) RAN centralization using the Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) interface [152], which allows an ideal optical fiber fronthaul. 

This network sharing management paradigm introduces the Master Operator (MOP) as a single actor, which is responsible for the shared infrastructure deployment, including the spectrum and related operations. 

Network slicing can assure isolation and performance guarantees between the different logical networks that employ a different fronthaul/backhaul flavor according to the corresponding base station functional split. 

This is because the SLA allows the slice consumer to operate and manage his/her own virtualization platform and other related management support systems, and hence can deploy any form of network functions as needed to deliver the desired set of network services. 

This option leverages the benefits of connecting distributed RRH physical layers to a common MAC, which allows coordinated scheduling and dynamic point selection, i.e. Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP). 

Such savings on the investment cost could even rise to as high as more than half of the total cost of investment, when adopting active resource brokering in the form of network slicing. 

This is due to the fact that network slices, especially those which are not deployed for a known number of users, often face the challenge of insufficient resources as the number of users increases, thereby resulting into poor network performance. 

The RLC layer and other layers above it are virtualized at the BBU allowing multiple MAC entities to be associated with a common RLC entity.