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Software developmentCreation and maintaining of programs and applications
73.8K papers1.4M citations

Epidermal growth factorProtein that stimulates cell division and differentiation
25.1K papers1.4M citations

Competition (economics)Rivalry between firms; ability of companies to take each others' market share in a given market
65.2K papers1.4M citations

MEDLINEBiomedical bibliographical database
89.1K papers1.4M citations

BiomassBiological material used as a renewable energy source
57.2K papers1.4M citations

NeuroprotectionRelative preservation of neuronal structure and/or function
32.5K papers1.4M citations

VegetationAssemblage of plant species
49.2K papers1.4M citations

DopaminergicSubstance related to dopamine functions
29K papers1.4M citations

MonocyteSubtype of leukocytes
26.3K papers1.4M citations

VirulenceThe severity of disease a pathogen inflicts on its host
35.9K papers1.3M citations

SuperconductivityElectrical conductivity with exactly zero resistance
71.9K papers1.3M citations

WaveletFunction for integral Fourier-like transform
78K papers1.3M citations

MitosisProcess in which replicated chromosomes are separated into two new identical nuclei
26.2K papers1.3M citations

Absorption (electromagnetic radiation)Physical process by which matter takes up a photon's energy and stores it
76.6K papers1.3M citations

Anxiety disorderCognitive disorder with an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations
17.6K papers1.3M citations

IonizationProcess by which atoms or molecules acquire charge by gaining or losing electrons
67.7K papers1.3M citations

95.6K papers1.3M citations

Mantle (geology)Layer inside a planet between core and crust
26.1K papers1.3M citations

Markov chainRandom process independent of past history
51.9K papers1.3M citations

Synaptic plasticityAbility of a synapse to strengthen or weaken over time according to its activity
19.3K papers1.3M citations

Mesoporous material
43.7K papers1.3M citations

26.9K papers1.3M citations

Substrate (electronics)
116.1K papers1.3M citations

NMDA receptorGlutamate receptor and ion channel protein found in nerve cells
24.2K papers1.3M citations

Mass screening
34.5K papers1.3M citations

Educational researchCollection and analysis of data in the field of education
38.5K papers1.3M citations

AmplifierElectronic device/component that increases the strength of a signal
163.9K papers1.3M citations

Object (computer science)Arbitrarily defined dataset with specified properties used in some programming paradigms
106K papers1.3M citations

LigandChelating or binding agent
67.7K papers1.3M citations

Atrial fibrillationRapid, irregular beating of the atria of the heart
50.2K papers1.3M citations

InterleukinGroup of cytokines (secreted proteins and signal molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white blood cells
27.1K papers1.3M citations

PalladiumChemical element, symbol Pd and atomic number 46
64.7K papers1.3M citations

PlateletComponent of blood aiding in coagulation
36.8K papers1.3M citations

Object detection
46.1K papers1.3M citations

LungOrgan for breathing air
44.3K papers1.3M citations

146.5K papers1.3M citations

InferenceAct or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true
36.8K papers1.3M citations

Gene mutation
41.4K papers1.3M citations

RobotMachine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically
103.8K papers1.3M citations

Light intensity
79.5K papers1.3M citations

21.1K papers1.3M citations

AgricultureCultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products
80.8K papers1.3M citations

Probabilistic logic
56K papers1.3M citations

28.2K papers1.3M citations

Scheduling (computing)Method by which work is assigned
78.6K papers1.3M citations

Phylogenetic treeBranching diagram of evolutionary relationships between organisms
26.6K papers1.3M citations

Chemical vapor depositionMethod used to make thin films for semiconductors
69.7K papers1.3M citations

29.8K papers1.3M citations

89.6K papers1.3M citations

Scanning electron microscopeType of electron microscope
74.7K papers1.3M citations

73.9K papers1.3M citations

SuperoxideAny chemical compound having a superoxide anion
20K papers1.3M citations

Selection (genetic algorithm)
72.4K papers1.3M citations

Fracture mechanicsField of mechanics concerned with the study of the propagation of cracks in materials
58.3K papers1.3M citations

Antigen presentationVital immune process that is essential for T cell immune response triggering
18.4K papers1.3M citations

Bounded functionA mathematical function the set of whose values is bounded
77.2K papers1.3M citations

NeuronElectrically excitable cell that communicates via synapses
22.5K papers1.3M citations

Professional developmentLearning to earn or maintain professional credentials
81.1K papers1.3M citations

SpermMale reproductive cell in anisogamous forms of sexual reproduction
43.4K papers1.3M citations

TuberculosisInfectious disease
66.6K papers1.3M citations

Greenhouse gasGas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range
44.9K papers1.3M citations

Adult stem cellMultipotent stem cell in the adult body
19.4K papers1.3M citations

NoiseUnwanted sound
110.4K papers1.3M citations

31.8K papers1.3M citations

Hydrogen bondPartial intermolecular bonding interaction
57.7K papers1.3M citations

IntronSequence within a gene or mRNA that does not code for the amino acid sequence of a protein
23.8K papers1.3M citations

UnemploymentPeople without work and actively seeking work
60.4K papers1.3M citations

SorptionPhysical or chemical process by which one substance becomes attached to another
45.8K papers1.3M citations

VortexFluid flow revolving around an axis of rotation
72.3K papers1.3M citations

Sequence analysis
24.1K papers1.3M citations

PerioperativePeriod between preparation for surgery and resolution of its sequelae
56.5K papers1.2M citations

CopolymerPolymer derived from more than one species of monomer
84K papers1.2M citations

Liver transplantationType of organ transplantation
48.8K papers1.2M citations

Ethnic groupSocially defined category of people who identify with each other
49.7K papers1.2M citations

Sexual abuseAbusive sexual behavior by one person upon another
32.2K papers1.2M citations

EcosystemCommunity of living organisms together with the nonliving components of their environment
25.4K papers1.2M citations

Biological dispersalMovement of individuals from their birth site to a breeding site
30K papers1.2M citations

Tyrosine phosphorylationPhosphorylation of peptidyl-tyrosine
18.3K papers1.2M citations

AlleleOne of alternative forms of the same gene
30.6K papers1.2M citations

SemiconductorMaterial that has electrical conductivity intermediate to that of a conductor and an insulator
72.6K papers1.2M citations

CrystalSolid material forming a crystal lattice
90K papers1.2M citations

Sudden death
33.9K papers1.2M citations

Optimal controlMathematical way of attaining a desired output from a dynamic system
68K papers1.2M citations

Transmission (telecommunications)
171.3K papers1.2M citations

Meta-analysisStatistical method that summarizes data from multiple sources
20.1K papers1.2M citations

CytoskeletonNetwork of filamentous proteins that forms the internal framework of cells
21.9K papers1.2M citations

Monetary policyPolicy adopted by the monetary authority to control the short-term interest rate or the money supply
57.8K papers1.2M citations

Cerebral cortexOuter layer of the cerebrum of the mammalian brain
21.1K papers1.2M citations

RNA splicingProcessing primary RNA to remove intron sequences and join the remaining exon sections
23.4K papers1.2M citations

Nucleic acidClass of large biomolecules essential to all known life
53.2K papers1.2M citations

Vascular endothelial growth factor AProtein involved in blood vessel growth
15.2K papers1.2M citations

GenotypePart of the genetic makeup of a cell which determines one of its characteristics
44.9K papers1.2M citations

FibrosisFormation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative or reactive process
32K papers1.2M citations

Cancer stem cellCancer cells with features of normal cells
26.4K papers1.2M citations

Construct validity
24.7K papers1.2M citations

Kinase activity
21.2K papers1.2M citations

Self-healing hydrogels
34.9K papers1.2M citations

Downregulation and upregulation
38.3K papers1.2M citations

LymphocyteSubtype of white blood cell
33.2K papers1.2M citations

Antibacterial agent
35.8K papers1.2M citations