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CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot serial crystallography

In order to address the specific needs of the emerging technique of `serial femtosecond crystallography', in which structural information is obtained from small crystals illuminated by an X-ray free-electron laser, a new software suite has been created.
In order to address the specific needs of the emerging technique of `serial femtosecond crystallography', in which structural information is obtained from small crystals illuminated by an X-ray free-electron laser, a new software suite has been created. The constituent programs deal with viewing, indexing, integrating, merging and evaluating the quality of the data, and also simulating patterns. The specific challenges addressed chiefly concern the indexing and integration of large numbers of diffraction patterns in an automated manner, and so the software is designed to be fast and to make use of multi-core hardware. Other constituent programs deal with the merging and scaling of large numbers of intensities from randomly oriented snapshot diffraction patterns. The suite uses a generalized representation of a detector to ease the use of more complicated geometries than those familiar in conventional crystallography. The suite is written in C with supporting Perl and shell scripts, and is available as source code under version 3 or later of the GNU General Public License.

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Journal of
ISSN 0021-8898
Editor: Anke R. Kaysser-Pyzalla
: a software suite for snapshot serial crystallography
Thomas A. White, Richard A. Kirian, Andrew V. Martin, Andrew Aquila,
Karol Nass, Anton Barty and Henry N. Chapman
J. Appl. Cryst.
(2012). 45, 335–341
International Union of Crystallography
Author(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository provided that
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J. Appl. Cryst.
(2012). 45, 335–341 Thomas A. White
et al.

computer programs
J. Appl. Cryst. (2012). 45, 335–341 doi:10.1107/S0021889812002312 335
Journal of
ISSN 0021-8898
Received 20 July 2011
Accepted 18 January 2012
# 2012 International Union of Crystallography
Printed in Singapore all rights reserved
CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot serial
Thomas A. White,
* Richard A. Kirian,
Andrew V. Mart in,
Andrew Aquila,
Karol Nass,
Anton Barty
and Henry N. Chapman
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany,
Department of
Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA, and
University of Hamburg, Luruper Chaussee
149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Correspondence e-mail:
In order to address the specific needs of the emergin g technique of ‘serial
femtosecond crystallography’, in which structural information is obtained from
small crystals illuminated by an X-ray free-electron laser, a new software suite
has been created. The constituent programs deal with viewing, indexing,
integrating, merging and evaluating the quality of the data, and also simulating
patterns. The specific challenges addressed chiefly concern the indexing and
integration of large numbers of diffraction patterns in an automated ma nner,
and so the software is designed to be fast and to make use of mu lti-core
hardware. Other constituent programs deal with the merging and scaling of large
numbers of intensities from randomly oriented snapshot diffraction patterns.
The suite uses a generalized representation of a detector to ease the use of more
complicated geometries than those familiar in conventional crystallography. The
suite is written in C with supporting Perl and shell scripts, and is available as
source code under version 3 or later of the GNU General Public License.
1. Introduction
The new technique of serial femtosecond crystallography (Chapman
et al., 2011) involves the illumination of many small crystals of
proteins sequentially using an intense fourth-generation light source
such as the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS; Emma et al., 2010).
Each pulse of the X-ray laser lasts for only a few tens or hundreds of
femtoseconds and, since the radiation dose is very large, the crystal
will be destroyed. Each crystal is used for only one exposure, and
there is not sufficient time for any oscillation or rotation of the
sample. As a result, the final integrated Bragg intensities must be
constructed from ‘snapshot’ diffraction patterns containing partially
recorded intensities, each pattern corresponding to a different crystal,
and with no orientational relationships between the crystals.
Furthermore, when the crystals are very small, the Fourier transform
of the crystal shape itself (the ‘shape transform’) may come to
dominate the sizes of the peak profiles. Each snapshot provides one
slice through this shape transform; however, the required reflection
intensities are proportional to its volume integral. In addition, the
size and form of the shape transform vary from crystal to crystal. The
Monte Carlo method of integration (Kirian et al., 2010) provides a
theoretical method to process data in this situation but relies on a
very high redundancy in the data set. This fact makes it necessary to
index and measure intensities from many thousands of patterns, so
unsupervised automatic processing of such data is of the utmost
importance. The software developed as a result could be applied to
any technique in which ‘snapshot’ diffraction patterns are acquired in
such a ‘serial’ manner.
A new software suite, called CrystFEL, has been created to address
these concerns. Three programs are central to the suite in the initial
(1) indexamajig, for quickly indexing and integrating large
numbers of diffraction patterns.
(2) pattern_sim, for diffraction pattern simulation.
(3) process_hkl, for merging Bragg intensities using the Monte
Carlo method.
In addition to these, extra programs are provided to help with the
individual stages of the data analysis:
(1) check_hkl, for calculating figures of merit for merged data.
(2) compare_hkl, for examining the differences between two sets of
merged intensities.
(3) render_hkl, for plotting intensities, structure factors and
redundancies in two and three dimensions.
(4) sum_stack, for summing diffraction patterns after peak detec-
tion to produce a two-dimensional ‘virtual powder pattern’, which
can be used to quickly evaluate the amount of data collected.
(5) powder_ plot, for summing data from a wider range of formats
(image, reflection list or peak-list form) into one-dimensional
‘powder’ traces.
(6) get_hkl, which can perform various manipulations on reflection
data, such as artificially ‘twinning’ their intensities, expanding them
out to point groups of lower symmetry, adding noise or filtering
reflections according to a template file.
(7) hdfsee, an image viewer.
CrystFEL accepts image data contained within a hierarchical data
format (HDF5) container. The image viewer, hdfsee, may be used to
examine images in this format, and can use a calibrated detector
geometry or can overlay peak locations from the indexing or peak
detection steps. Future versions of the software will incorporate an
abstraction layer to allow the use of many more formats, enabling full
use of the flexible detector geometry specification system described in
the next section.
The software is intended to process ‘clean’ diffraction patterns,
meaning that steps to remove electronic artefacts should have already
been performed. Blank images in which no crystal intersected the
electronic reprint

X-ray beam at the moment of the X-ray pulse should not be included
in the input as far as possible, but the inclusion of such images should
have no effect on the processing other than the speed. Since crystal
hit rates in experiments so far have been around 5%, attempting to
index all frames without this selection procedure would increase the
indexing time by a factor of around 20. However, since these pre-
processing steps are likely to be specific to a particular detector or
experimental configuration, they are not implemented by any part of
the CrystFEL suite. One possible route for performing this pre-
processing is to create a piece of software based on the LCLS data
analysis tools myana’, pyana’or‘psana’. CrystFEL’s indexing
component could, in principle, be executed directly by these
processing steps to create a streamlined data processing path.
The tightly knit structure of the suite, where file formats and code
are shared between programs, has enabled a high degree of code
reuse. This not only simplified the structure of the suite but led to a
constant re-visitation of many parts of the code. This has resulted in
many bugs, and even potential bugs, being removed at an early stage.
2. Detector geometry
Fourth-generation light sources have brought with them new detector
technology, required to match the repetition rates called for by the
‘serial crystallography’ methodology. Many of these detectors, such as
the pnCCD detector used in the CAMP instrument (Stru
der et al.,
2010) or the CSPAD detector used in the CXI instrument at the
LCLS, consist of multiple smaller detectors in some fixed or movable
arrangement. The small sizes of the panels, combined with separate
sets of readout electronics for each panel, help to achieve the
required high readout rates. To take this into account, CrystFEL’s
representation of a detector is broken down into one or more
‘regions’, each of which has its own camera length, position, resolu-
tion and other parameters. Programs forming part of the suite take a
description of the detector geometry in a text file, allowing the use of
the suite with many and varied detector geometries. To avoid the
many problems that can arise from confusion over definitions of
geometry all too familiar to macromolecular crystallographers a
precise specification is used to define the detector geometry, illu-
strated in Fig. 1 and described below.
The raw data of each panel fit into the array of data taken from the
input file, with the relevant range of pixels defined only in terms of
minimum and maximum coordinates in the ‘fast-scan’ (fs) and ‘slow-
scan’ (ss) directions. ‘Fast scan’ refers to the direction whose coor-
dinate changes most quickly as the bytes in the input file are moved
through in order, and ‘slow scan’ refers to the direction whose
coordinate changes most slowly. All pixels in the input data block
must be assigned to a panel, but regions of the detector can be
marked as ‘bad’ if required, which means that they will be ignored at
all stages of the analysis.
The role of the geometry description file is to set up the relation-
ship between pixel locations in the raw image data and in the
laboratory coordinate system. The laboratory coordinate system is
defined by CrystFEL to have þz being the beam direction, þy
pointing towards the zenith (directly upwards) and þx completing a
right-handed coordinate system. However, this definition does not
place any requirements on the representation of the data in the file.
For each panel, the geometry description file specifies the coordinates
in the laboratory coordinate system of the corner of the panel,
meaning the point in the image that would appear first in the raw
image array, in units of pixels. The file must then specify the direction,
also in the laboratory coordinate system, that corresponds to each of
the fast- and slow-scan directions. The direction is defined as a linear
combination of the x and y directions, constituting a transformation
matrix, and so arbitrary in-plane rotations of the detector are
possible. Since there is no requirement for the direction vectors to
have equal moduli, rectangular pixels could be accommodated, if it
were to become necessary in the future, by more creative use of the
vector combinations such as fs ¼ x and ss ¼ 2y. Hexagonal pixels
could also be used within this framework, with some wastage of space
in the input data array.
3. Simulation of data: pattern_sim
It is important to be able to simulate data in order to test the algo-
rithms. A fast nanocrystal diffraction simulation program, named
pattern_sim, is included in CrystFEL, which simulates patterns in a
manner similar to that described in the previous literature (Kirian et
al., 2010). The unit-cell dimensions are taken from a Protein Data
Bank (PDB; Berman et al., 2000) file; however, the structure factors
themselves must be calculated by a separate means, such as using the
sfall tool in CCP4 (Winn et al., 2011). The program is, in its initial
version, only able to model the crystals as parallelepipeds with a
specified number of unit cells along each of the three crystallographic
axes, meaning that more complex shapes such as a hexagonal prism or
a spherical crystal cannot currently be used. However, this restriction
allows the intensity to be calculated as the product of the Laue
interference functions and the squared structure factors, which is
much more efficient than the equivalent sum over all unit cells:
I ¼
q aðÞ
q aðÞ
q bðÞ
q bðÞ
q cðÞ
q cðÞ
; ð1Þ
where n
, n
and n
are the number of unit cells that the parallele-
piped has along the a, b and c directions, respectively. The vector q
represents the point in reciprocal space at which the diffraction is to
be calculated, and a, b and c are the direct-space unit-cell axes (which
encode the orientation of the crystal as well as the shape of the unit
cell). F
is the complex structure factor at reciprocal space point q.
Suitable expressions for the scattering vector q are given by Kirian et
al. (2010).
The program calculates the Laue functions in advance for the three
required values of n
, n
and n
in terms of q a, q b and q c,
respectively. By storing these values in lookup tables, the values
required later can be quickly calculated by interpolation. This
method avoids repetitive calculation of trigonometric functions and
computer programs
336 Thomas A. White et al.
CrystFEL J. Appl. Cryst. (2012). 45, 335–341
Figure 1
Specification of detector geometry in CrystFEL.(a) The input data array is broken
into rectangular regions by specifying the minimum and maximum coordinates in
the ‘fast-scan’ and ‘slow-scan’ directions, which are unambiguously defined with
respect to the arrangement in memory of the data array itself. (b) For each region,
the position of the corner (closest to the start of the data array) and the vectors
corresponding to the fast-scan (fs) and slow-scan (ss) directions are specified in
terms of a fixed laboratory coordinate system.
electronic reprint

has the additional advantage of providing a numerically stable
calculation when the scalar product of the reciprocal space vector and
a cell axis is zero or very small.
Since the pre-calculated structure factors give only the intensities
when Bragg’s law is exactly satisfied, further calculation must be
performed to find the values between the Bragg peaks. Three
methods are available in pattern_sim: ‘mosaic’, where the structure
factor at the nearest reciprocal lattice point is taken; ‘interpolate’,
where the intensities at the nearby reciprocal lattice points are
interpolated trilinearly; and ‘phased’, where the relative phases of
neighboring structure factors are taken into account. The ‘phased’
method accounts for the dark region that should appear between two
extended Bragg peaks that have structure factors with opposite
phases, but requires the most calculation. The ‘mosaic’ method is
expected to be the least computationally demanding. For the highest
possible accuracy, a future version of the software could allow a full,
oversampled, three-dimensional molecular transform to be input.
The program calculates the absolute scattered intensity by multi-
plying the result of equation (1) by the incident photon flux density,
the square of the Thomson scattering length and the solid angle of the
pixel. The calculation is repeated for a number of sub-pixel units and
the mean of the resulting values taken, in order to reduce the
probability of missing fine structure in the pattern and consequently
underestimating the intensity in each Bragg peak. Finite wavelength
spread of the incident radiation can also be simulated by a similar
method of sampling many different closely spaced wavelengths. In
addition, convergence of the incident X-ray beam can be simulated
within the limits of a small-angle approximation.
To further accelerate the calculation and enable the simulation of
large data sets of tens of thousands of patterns or more, pattern_sim
can take advantage of a graphics processing unit (GPU) via OpenCL,
if it is available. The GPU calculation can be enabled by setting a
command line switch and gave a speed-up of around 30 times on the
test hardware. A separate test program, easily executed amongst
other test programs as part of the installation procedure, verifies that
no significant differences exist between the two implementations of
the calculation. The typical total difference is around 0.3% of the
total intensity given by the ‘conventional’ version, this small differ-
ence perhaps being accounted for by the single precision of the
GPU’s floating-point arithmetic as opposed to the double precision
used in the conventional version.
In a final ‘post-processing’ step, pattern_sim can add Poisson noise
to the results. It then stores the image in an HDF5 file suitable for
input into the indexing stage or other processing pipelines, if
4. Pattern indexing and integration: indexamajig
The purpose of the indexing component of CrystFEL, indexamajig,is
to facilitate the processing of large numbers of diffraction patterns in
an automated and largely unsupervised manner. It does not, in the
current version, implement any autoindexing algorithms itself but
rather takes advantage of the previous work in this field by executing
other indexing programs as sub-processes. In the initial version,
DirAx (Duisenberg, 1992) and MOSFLM (Leslie, 2006) can be used.
The user can select more than one indexing method, in which case the
program will try the later specified methods should the earlier
methods fail to yield a result that passes some basic checks.
Indexamajig takes a list of image filenames as its input. For each
image in the list it performs peak detection and sends the peaks to the
selected auto-indexing programs in the format required by those
programs. Alternatively, peak lists generated by previous processing
steps and incorporated in the HDF5 files can be used. If indexing is
successful, a unit cell is read back from the auto-indexer and,
optionally, compared against a reference cell. Cell comparison can be
performed via a variety of methods, the default being to check all
possible linear combinations of the cell basis vectors for correspon-
dence, within a certain tolerance, to the axes of the reference cell.
When indexing using MOSFLM, the lattice symmetry (if known) may
be used to restrict the number of candidate unit cells returned. DirAx
has no such option and simply returns a list of possible primitive unit
It is further required by the software that the unit-cell vectors form
a right-handed basis after the matching process, meaning that Bijvoet
pairs are not confused with one another. This could potentially allow
the extraction of an anomalous diffraction signal subject to consid-
erations described in the next section.
If the cell is found to match to the sought unit cell, predicted peak
positions are calculated for the image and compared with the initial
peak positions sent into the auto-indexing program. A basic check for
correctness is performed, where the result is rejected if fewer than
10% of the initial peak positions are close to predicted locations, to
within a tolerance defined by the program input. A lower success rate
might be expected for the smallest nanocrystals, where the peaks in
the diffraction pattern arise from the extended tails of the shape
The method of unit-cell reduction described above is vulnerable to
errors in cases where the length of one unit-cell axis is close to a small
multiple of the length of another. This situation is analogous to
reticular twinning familiar in conventional crystallography. For such
cases, the user may opt instead to compare the lattice vectors without
combining them in linear combinations, although this would be
expected to result in a lower number of successfully indexed patterns.
Alternatively, the cell-matching procedure can be entirely disabled,
in which case the result from the auto-indexer is used directly,
provided the basic check described above is passed.
Once the pattern has been successfully indexed, intensities are
integrated from the predicted peak locations, thereby including peaks
that were not found by the initial peak search. In the data evaluated
so far, the peak shapes in the image were found to vary widely within
a single image (Fig. 2), in a way similar to that seen in simulated
patterns for small crystals as a result of the extended shape trans-
forms surrounding each reciprocal lattice point. Therefore, index-
amajig does not attempt two-dimensional profile fitting in the current
version and a method of summing pixel counts within a fixed radius is
used instead. The radius of integration can be configured in the
detector geometry file. The local background surrounding the peak is
estimated and subtracted by measuring the intensity in a thin ring
surrounding the integration region. Improved methods for back-
ground estimation and subtraction and proper calculation of the
errors in the integrated intensities, and for automated rejection of
computer programs
J. Appl. Cryst. (2012). 45, 335–341 Thomas A. White et al.
CrystFEL 337
Figure 2
Three peak profiles from a single diffraction pattern from photosystem I, taken
from the data described by Chapman et al. (2011).
electronic reprint

peaks that cannot be satisfactorily inte-
grated, are under development.
The resulting intensities from each image
are written to a text file, alongside other
information such as the image filename, the
reciprocal axis vectors and optionally the
peak locations from the initial peak search.
The results from all input images are
sequentially written to the same text file
which is referred to as a ‘stream’ for ease of
later handling. The overall flow of diffraction
pattern processing by indexamajig is shown
in Fig. 3.
The indexing and integration of many
thousands of diffraction patterns may take
many hours depending on the speed of
computer and data retrieval, and index-
amajig is able to run many indexing jobs in
parallel to reduce the time required for the whole data set. Index-
amajig writes reports of the rate of processing and the ‘yield’ of the
process, defined as the ratio of the number of successfully indexed
patterns to the overall number of patterns, to the terminal at intervals
of a few seconds.
Once a ‘stream’ has been compiled for a data set, the results of
indexing can be visualized by running a short Perl script, called
check_near_bragg. This script finds, for each image in sequence, the
positions of the peaks predicted by indexing, the coordinates of which
are also stored in the stream. The script then runs the image viewer
hdfsee to show the image and the peak locations (Fig. 4). When the
viewer window is closed, the script displays the next image from the
stream in the same way. A very similar script called check_ peak_
detection operates in the same way, but displays the results of the
initial peak search instead of the predicted peaks.
5. Merging of intensities: process_hkl
Merging of individual intensity measurements is performed by the
method of Kirian et al. (2010), in which the mean of all measurements
for each individual reflection is taken. When the number of
measurements is large, this procedure constitutes a Monte Carlo
integration over the three-dimensional reflection profiles, resulting in
values that are proportional to the integrated intensity. A well known
feature of Monte Carlo methods is that, in the limit of a sufficiently
large quantity of data, all stochastic variables (such as variations in
X-ray pulse intensity or crystal size) will be ‘integrated out’ and
become constant factors affecting all intensities equally. For data
obtained using a free-electron laser source, further complications
arise because of the stochastic nature of the lasing process: the
incident beam intensity, wavelength and spectrum are different for
each pulse. It is clear that a large number of indexed patterns are
necessary for this method to be successful, justifying the highly
automated processing of patterns described in the previous section.
The program process_hkl performs merging using this method
taking into account the symmetry of the structure. It was found to be
convenient for the software to neglect information about systematic
absences due to glide planes and screw axes. Instead, only the point
symmetry of the structure is considered when merging intensities.
The program is also able to perform scaling of the intensities in an
attempt to improve the quality of the results. Scaling can be
performed by normalizing the intensities according to the mean
intensity of the Bragg peaks in each pattern or the overall total
intensity in each pattern, or by a two-pass process where the inten-
sities are scaled to most closely fit the values produced by a previous
unscaled run of the program. Improved algorithms are under devel-
Since each individual diffraction pattern is indexed independently,
ambiguities may result if the symmetry of the structure is lower than
that of the lattice. These are precisely the same conditions under
which the structure may exhibit twinning by merohedry, and the
effect of such an ambiguity when combining results from many
patterns will be that the data appear to be perfectly twinned.
Unfortunately, all attempts so far to resolve such ambiguities by
correlating the intensities in the patterns have failed, perhaps owing
to the partialities associated with the individual reflection measure-
ments. As a result, the symmetry according to which the intensities
must be merged is dictated by the asymmetric unit that the indexing
computer programs
338 Thomas A. White et al.
CrystFEL J. Appl. Cryst. (2012). 45, 335–341
Figure 3
Flow diagram of diffraction pattern processing in indexamajig.
Figure 4
Screenshot of the image viewer hdfsee displaying an image from the data described
by Chapman et al. (2011), with predicted peak locations circled.
electronic reprint

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Frequently Asked Questions (14)
Q1. What are the contributions in "Crystfel: a software suite for snapshot serial crystallography" ?

Copyright c © International Union of Crystallography Author ( s ) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository provided that this cover page is retained. Republication of this article or its storage in electronic databases other than as specified above is not permitted without prior permission in writing from the IUCr. For further information see http: //journals. iucr. org/services/authorrights. 

Improved methods for scaling the intensities will be the subject of much future work. Such a method would be similar to the methods employed in conventional X-ray crystallography, such as post-refinement ( Rossmann & van Beek, 1999 ), but with some complications potentially arising from indexing ambiguities. These improvements will act to reduce the number of diffraction patterns required to obtain an accurate set of intensity data, which is of great importance given the scarcity of experimental time at hardX-ray free-electron laser sources. 

(6) get_hkl, which can perform various manipulations on reflection data, such as artificially ‘twinning’ their intensities, expanding them out to point groups of lower symmetry, adding noise or filtering reflections according to a template file. 

Scaling can be performed by normalizing the intensities according to the mean intensity of the Bragg peaks in each pattern or the overall totalintensity in each pattern, or by a two-pass process where the intensities are scaled to most closely fit the values produced by a previous unscaled run of the program. 

The role of the geometry description file is to set up the relationship between pixel locations in the raw image data and in the laboratory coordinate system. 

‘Fast scan’ refers to the direction whose coor-dinate changes most quickly as the bytes in the input file are moved through in order, and ‘slow scan’ refers to the direction whose coordinate changes most slowly. 

Since crystal hit rates in experiments so far have been around 5%, attempting to index all frames without this selection procedure would increase the indexing time by a factor of around 20. 

One possible route for performing this preprocessing is to create a piece of software based on the LCLS data analysis tools ‘myana’, ‘pyana’ or ‘psana’. 

To further accelerate the calculation and enable the simulation of large data sets of tens of thousands of patterns or more, pattern_sim can take advantage of a graphics processing unit (GPU) via OpenCL, if it is available. 

Since each individual diffraction pattern is indexed independently, ambiguities may result if the symmetry of the structure is lower than that of the lattice. 

Three programs are central to the suite in the initial version:(1) indexamajig, for quickly indexing and integrating largenumbers of diffraction patterns. 

The program calculates the absolute scattered intensity by multiplying the result of equation (1) by the incident photon flux density, the square of the Thomson scattering length and the solid angle of the pixel. 

Since the data have been split into two sets, it is expected that the degree of convergence in each subset would be lower and so this method could underestimate the quality of the combined data by a factor of 21=2. 

For such cases, the user may opt instead to compare the lattice vectors without combining them in linear combinations, although this would be expected to result in a lower number of successfully indexed patterns.