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Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

Molecular and histopathology directed therapy for advanced bladder cancer

Current evidence for the management of conventional, variant and divergent urothelial cancer subtypes, as well as non-urothelial bladder cancers, are presented, and how the integration of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic characterization of bladder cancer could guide future therapies are discussed.
Bladder cancer is a heterogeneous group of tumours with at least 40 histological subgroups. Patients with localized disease can be cured with surgical resection or radiotherapy, but such curative options are limited in the setting of recurrent disease or distant spread, in which case systemic therapy is used to control disease and palliate symptoms. Cytotoxic chemotherapy has been the mainstay of treatment for advanced bladder cancer, but high-quality evidence is lacking to inform the management of rare subgroups that are often excluded from studies. Advances in molecular pathology, the development of targeted therapies and the resurgence of immunotherapy have led to the reclassification of bladder cancer subgroups and rigorous efforts to define predictive biomarkers for cancer therapies. In this Review, we present the current evidence for the management of conventional, variant and divergent urothelial cancer subtypes, as well as non-urothelial bladder cancers, and discuss how the integration of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic characterization of bladder cancer could guide future therapies.

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Centre! for! Experimental! Cancer! Medicine,! Barts! Cancer! Institute,! Queen! Mary!
! !

Combining! sequencing! and! transcriptom ic! technologies! might! improve! the!
identifica tio n !of!clinically!relevant!bladder!cancer!subgroups.!
Molecular! subtyping!has! helped! us! to!identify!bladder! tumours!that!respond!well!to!
Targeted!therapies!have!had!a!limited!role!in!bladde r! cance r! man a ge ment,!but!the!
next!generation!of!specific!targets!are!showing!promise,!as!exemplified!by! fib ro b last !
Immun e! checkpoint! inhibition ! leads! to! de ep ! and! durable! responses ! in! a! small!
Composite! molecular! signatures! are! show ing! promise! as! predictors! of! treatm ent!
response!and!should!be !tested!in!prospe ctive!clinical!trials.!
Real-time! serial! biopsies! during! the! course! of! treatment! will! be! required! to! help!
direct!therapy!in!an!evolving!tumour!land sc ap e.!
! !

Bladder! cancer! is! a! heterogeneous! group! of! tumours! w ith! at! least! 40! histological!
subgroups!that!lea d s!to!~165,000!deaths!w orldwide!each!year
.!Patients!with! localized!
disease!can!be!cured!with!surg ical!resection!or!radiothe rap y,!but!such!c urative!options!
are!limited!in!the!setting!of!recu rrent!disease!or!distan t!spread,!in!whic h!case!sy stemic!
therapy!is!used!to !control!disease!an d!palliate!symptom s.!Cytotoxic!ch em othera py !has!
been!the!mainstay!of!treatment!for!advanced! bladder! cancer,!bu t !high-quality!evidence!
is! lacking! to! info rm! the! managem en t! of! rare! subgrou ps! that! are! often! exclud ed! from !
studies.! Advances! in! molecular! pathology,! the ! development! of! targeted! therapies,! and!
the! resurgence! of! immunotherapy! has! led! to! the! reclassification! of! bladder! cance r!
subgroups!and!rigorous!efforts!to!define!predictive!biom arkers!for!cancer!therapies.!In!
this! Review,! we! present! the! current! evidence! for! the! m anagement! of! conventional,!
variant,! an d! divergent! urothelial! cancer! su btyp es,! as! well! as! nonurothelial! bladder!
cancers,! and! discuss! how! the! integration! of! genomic,! transcripto m ic! and! proteomic!
! !

9:8;)<*/("+ & %/-" * ))
For! the! first! time!in!over!30!years ,!the!treatm en t!algorithm !for!advance d!bladde r!cancer!
is! rap idly! evolving,! wit h ! an! expan d e d! range! of! effective! therapies! beyond! cytotoxic!
chemotherapy! now! approved! (=<>?) 8).! With! novel ! and! still-em erging! therapeutic!
advances!in!the!fields!of!imm u n o th er ap y !and!molecularly !targeted !therap y,!a!renew ed !
focus! o n! bladd er ! cancer! subtyp es! has! emerged! in! an ! attem p t! to! personalize! systemic!
are! nonurothelial! carcinomas! 9> ;!
.! Urothelial! carcinomas! (previously! known! as!
transitional! cell! carcinoma)! can! be! subdivided! according! to! their! histopathological!
characteristics! into ! conventional! urothelial! carcinom a! 9> ;! ,! urothelial! carcinoma! with!
divergent! differentiation! 9>;! ,! or! variant! urothelial! carcinoma! 9> ;
.The! importance! of!
these! categorisations! for! the! correct! diagnosis,! treatment,! and! prognostication! of!
bladder! cancer! is ! recognized! in! the! 2016! WHO! revised! classification! and! pathology!
!(A7BCD) 8).!However,!most!therapeu tic!clinical!trials!
have! historically! not! included! patients! w ith! nonurothelial! carcinoma! and! have! not!
reported!on!the!dive rgen t!or!variant!urothelial!carcinoma!subg roup s.!The!management!
of! these! rare! histologies,! therefore,! has! bee n! ba sed! on ! extrap olated! data! from ! other!
tumour!types!and!limited!clinical!experience!(for!exam p le,!sm all!case!series)!without!a!
In! this! Review,! w e! outline! how! new ! molecular! ap proaches,! such! as! DNA!
sequencing!and!RNA!profiling,!have!uncovered!distinct! biological!subtypes!of!urothelial!
carcinoma! th at! are! prognostic,! predictive! of! treatment! responses,! and ,! in! many!
instance s,! align! with! the! morpholo gical! phe no typ e.! We! discuss! how ! this! molecular!
taxonom y! and! histopathological! evidence! cou ld! support! the! deployment! of!
chemotherapy,! imm u n e -checkpoint!inhibitors!(ICIs),! and! targeted!agents!for!advanced!
bladder! cancer.! In! addition,! we! discuss! the! pathology-driven! management! of! variant!
urothelial! carcinoma! and! nonurothelial! carcinoma! and! co mm ent! o n! promising! future!
Advances! in!sequencing!technology!over! the! past! 15! years!have! enabled! international!
collaborative!efforts!to!catalogue!the! spectrum! of! so matic! m utations! in! solid! tum ou rs,!
includin g ! urothelial! bladder! cancer
.! Our! understanding! of! the! pattern! of! genomic!
aberrations! and! their! in flu e n ce ! on! tumour! biology! and! behaviour! has! changed!
substantially!as!a!direct! result!of!this! w ork.!Early! work!exploring! phen otypes!of! bladder!
cancer! postulated! that! bladder! cancer! develops! along! two! distinct! pathways,! th e !

papillary! and! non-papillary! pathways.! In! this! model,! 80%! of! tumou rs! are! papillary!
exophytic! lesions! arising! from! hyperplastic! epithelium! and! are! non-muscle-invasiv e!
bladder! cancers! (NMIB Cs)! that! have! a! propensity! for! recurrence! but! are! rare ly! life-
threatening,! whereas! ~20%! are! non-papillary! high-grade! muscle-invasive! bladder!
cancers!(MIB Cs)!arising!from!carcinoma!in!situ!th at!cause!the!most!morbidity!and!have!
a! propensity! for! m etastatic! spread
;! these! tumours! rarely! arise! from! papillary!
Work! over! the! past! decade! using! gene! expression! and! somatic! mutational!
profiling! in! MIBC! has! defined! the! luminal! 9>;! an d! basal! 9>;! subgro ups! as! comm only !
recurring! subtypes,! a lt h o ugh! discr e pancies! b e t ween! th e ! v a ri o u s ! c la s s ifi ca t io ns! have!
beenreported! (=<>?) E)
,! and! su bsequ ent! efforts! have! been! m ade! to! consolidate! th e!
major! molecular! taxonomies.! Substantial! work! in! this! area! has! been! undertaken! by!
groups! at! Lund! University,! The! Cancer! Genome! Atlas! (TCGA ),! University! of! North!
Luminal!bladder!cancers!can!be!further!separated!into!u ro thelial- lik e!urothelial!
carcinomas!(TCGA!cluster!I),!which!are!enriched!fo r!FGFR 3!and!KDM6A!mutations,!and!
genomically! unstable!urothelial! carcinomas! (TCGA! cluster! II),! which ! are! characterized!
by! overexpression! of! peroxisome! proliferator-activated! receptor! γ! (PPAR-γ)! and!
enrichment! fo r! TP53! and! ERCC2! mutations
,! with! some! studies! having! demonstrated!
overexpression! of! the! oestrogen! receptor! α! (ER α)
.! The! characteristics! of! basal-like!
tumours! have! been! variously! described! by! different! groups,! inc lu d in g! the! UNCC
! and!
,! and! these! tum ou rs! correspond! to! the! TCG A! cluster! III! (and! arg uab ly! the!
claudin-low!TCGA !cluster!IV )!and!the!Lu n d!University !squam ous -like!grou p
tumours! are! en riched! for! ep ithe lia lmesenchymal! tran sition! (EMT)! gene! signatures
with! los s!of!RB1!and!NFE2L2!as!well!as!dysregulation!of!nuclear!factor-κB!(NF-κB)!and!
hypoxia-ind u cib le ! facto r! 1-α! (HIF1α)! signalling.! A! 2016! consensus! meeting
! clarified!
the!m olec ular!taxono m y!with!respect!to!the!existence!of!a!basal-squamous-lik e!(BAS Q )!
subset,! defined!by! overexpression!of!cy tokeratin! 5 ! (KRT5)! and !KRT14!and!concurrent!
downregulation! of! urothelial! markers! forkhead! box! protein! A1! (FOXA1)! and! trans-
Further! incremental! gains! in! mole cu la r! tax on o my! have! been! made! using!
multiplatform!approaches!for!molecular!phenotyping,!which!have!expanded!and!re vised!
the! molecular! classifications.! A! 2017! TCGA! study! of! 412! MIBCs! int eg ra te d ! th e! use! of!
whole-exome! sequencing,! copy! num ber! analysis,!methylation! analysis,!and!RNA-based!
.!This!study!reve aled!>50!recurrently!mutated!genes!and!th at!a!

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